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University Of London Degree
University Of London Degree

Buy a University Of London degree. How to make a University Of London diploma? How much to obtain University Of London degree certificate and transcript? Buy fake diploma. The University of London is a university federation consisting of more than a dozen universities and research institutions located in London. The University of London is one of the largest university federations in the world, and its universities are among the best in various academic indicators and rankings. These colleges have independent university status and a high degree of autonomy. They recruit students, rank independently, and issue diplomas independently.

Each of the colleges in the University of London has its own strengths and divisions of labor. For example, the London Business School focuses on business, SOAS specializes in Asian and African studies, the London Institute of Education before it merged into UCL, the Imperial College of Science and Technology, which was separated from the University of London in 2007, and the Royal Academy of Music in the arts.

As of now, there are several colleges under the University of London. Among them, these schools can be divided into:

2 large general research universities:

University College London,

King’s College London.

2 sociology and business research universities:

London Business School,

London School of Economics and Political Science.

3 medium-sized research universities:

Queen Mary University of London,

Royal Holloway College,

City University of London.

4 medical schools:

St. George’s School of Medicine,

Cancer Research UK,

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,

Royal Veterinary College.

4 humanities and arts universities:

Royal Academy of Music,

Central School of Speech and Drama,

Goldsmiths, University of London,

Courtauld Institute of Art.

2 universities not included in the ranking:

Birkbeck College, University of London,

Institute for Advanced Study, University of London.

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Heythrop College

Colleges under the University of London recognize each other’s academic qualifications and credits, share sports facilities, libraries, dormitories, and can issue diplomas uniformly in the end.

Among them, University College London, King’s College London, London School of Economics and Political Science, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Queen Mary, Goldsmiths, and St. George’s College have the right to issue degree certificates without the words “University of London”.

Three famous colleges of the University of London

University College London

UCL’s strength is obvious to all. As one of the founding colleges of the University of London, it is also the oldest and largest in the University of London Alliance. The school has a complete range of disciplines, and enjoys a world-class reputation in medicine, architecture, engineering, life sciences, literature, art history, etc.

Like most British colleges, there are restrictions on the undergraduate colleges of applicants from China. Generally speaking, it is easier for students from 985/211 schools to be admitted than non-double undergraduates.

Advantageous majors: medicine, architecture, education

King’s College London

KCL, like University College London, is one of the founding colleges of the University of London.

The number of students in a class is basically around 50, which belongs to medium-sized class teaching. Generally speaking, it is easier for students from 985/211 schools to be admitted than non-double undergraduates.

Advantageous majors: medicine, law

London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE is a world-leading school focusing on social sciences and a global pioneer in economics and finance. It is one of the G5 super elite universities, a member of the British Golden Triangle and the Russell Group.

Located in the heart of London, there are abundant employment opportunities. LSE also has requirements for Chinese students’ undergraduate schools, so non-key universities are recommended to choose carefully. At the same time, business majors strongly recommend submitting GMAT scores to increase their chances of admission. The score requirement is about 700 or above.

Advantageous majors: Economics and Finance, Social Policy Management, Development Studies, Law, History, Philosophy, Anthropology.

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